English, asked by gmthakur24, 11 months ago

Why did calupurnia try to prevent Caesar from going to the Senate house?did she succeed her attempt?why/why not?


Answered by snigdha74

Calpurnia had dreamt that there was a threat to his life, as she dreamt that she saw Caesar’s statue, which was filled with a hundred spouts that had pure blood flowing out of it. Then came smiling and lusty Romans, who bathed their hands in his blood. She had also seen in her dreams, a lioness whelping in the streets, graves opening, ghosts shrieking, fierce battles being fought and blood of soldiers on the Capitol. She meant all of this as an ill omen, so she pleaded to Caesar not to go to the Senate House as she could feel that something ominous was about to happen. In spite of these ill omens, Caesar was adamant about going. He was even more convinced after Decius Brutus had interpreted Calpurnia’s dream as a fair and fortunate vision. He boosted Caesar’s ego, flatters his greatness and makes him feel more powerful, and points out his creative energy will bring new life and strength to Rome, thus making him happier about his interpretation of the dream. Calpurnia was trying her best to save Caesar; but he was unreasonably bent upon going to the Senate House, as he was too consumed in his egoism and lack of respect for ill omens, and couldn’t differentiate between what was safe and what was dangerous.

Answered by Anonymous

Calpurnia saw a horrible dream in which she saw Caesar’s statue with a hundred spouts or openings—gushing  out blood like fountain. The Romans were bathing their hands in Caesar’s blood.

She tried to prevent Caesar  from going to the Capitol but didn’t succeed, Decius Brutus deliberately gave a flattering interpretation of the  dream and said the dream was auspicious according to him.

Caesar’s blood would give new life, vigour and  vitality to Rome. Romans would worship Caesar, Caesar’s ego and ambition were touched on hearing the  interpretation of Brutus.

Decius told Caesar—Senate would present him the crown that day. This was the last blow and Caesar decided  to go to the Senate making Calpurnia unsuccessful in her attempt to stop him from going there.

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