Social Sciences, asked by fulpat6hujha, 1 year ago

why did gandhi call off the rowlatt act satyagraha?


Answered by vinay33

1)  Gandhiji launched nationwide satyagraha against Rowlatt Act in 1919. This Act had been hurriedly passed despite the united opposition of Indian members. 

2)  This Act gave the government enormous powers to repress political activities, and allowed detention of political prisoners without trial for two years. 

3)  Rallies were organized in various cities, workers went on strike in railway workshops, and shops closed down. 

4)  Alarmed by the popular upsurge, and scared that lines of communication such as telegraph and railways would be disrupted, the British administration decided to clamp down on nationalists. 

5)  On 10th April, the police in Amritsar fired upon a peaceful procession provoking widespread attacks on banks, post offices and railway stations. Martial law was imposed and General Dyer took command. 

6)  After the brutal killing and massacre of Jallianwala Bagh, violence spread nationwide and as a result, Mahatma Gandhi called off this Rowalatt Satyagraha movement 

vinay33: please mark as brianlist answer
Answered by Ankita242

1. To oppose the rowlatt act Gandhiji started the satyagraha movement with strikes and hartals.

2. To suppress this movement Britishers barred the local leaders and gandhiji from entering Delhi. The Martial law was also imposed and general dyer took the command.

3. On 13th April the infamous jallianwalabagh incident took place. On that day dyer entered the bagh, blocked the exit points and opened fire on crowd, killing hundreds.

4. As the news spread, crowd took to the streets, there were strikes, clashes with police and attacks on govt buildings.

5. Govt supressed and humiliate the protesters. Violence forced Mahatma Gandhi to call off the movement.

Hope it's useful...

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