why did gandhiji choose to break the salt law?
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In 1930 ghandhi ji launched a massive civil disobidience movement. He called on Indians to refuse to pay taxes on salt to the British government. The 'salt law ' passed by the British forbade Indians from making salt. Ghandhijidecided to start the Civil disobidience movement by breaking the unjust Salt law
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In 1929, the Congress resolved to fight for complete Independence or Purna Swaraj. Gandhiji declared that he would lead a march to break the salt law. according to law the state had a mono play on the manufacture and sale of salt. march to the coastal of Dandi way he broke the salt law by gathering natural salt found on sea shore and boiling sea water to produce salt. this march related the general Desire of freedom to a specific grieveance shared by everybody and does did not divided the rich and poor
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