why did Gandhiji support Khalifat movement?
Mahatma Gandhiji extended his support to the Khilafat movement which strengthened it. He supported this movement for these reasons:
1. The limitations of the Rowlatt Satyagraha which was mostly in cities and towns necessitated a widespread movement.
2. Gandhiji wanted to unite Hindus and Muslims. He felt their unity will pave the way to strengthen the nationalist movement.
3. The First World War had ended with the defeat of Ottoman Turkey, and there were rumours that a harsh peace treaty was going to be imposed on the Ottoman Emperor.
4. To defend the Khalifa’s temporal powers, a Khilafat Committee was formed in Bombay in March 1919.
5. A young generation of Muslim leaders like the brothers Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali began discussing with Mahatma Gandhi about the possibility of a united mass action.
Hence, Gandhiji convinced the other leaders to began Non-Cooperation movement at the Calcutta session of the Congress in 1920.