English, asked by tranigles937, 9 months ago

Why did Gandhiji take out a bit of gold from the armlet?


Answered by psjain



Mahatma Gandhi took out a bit of gold from the armlet of his brother to pay off his brother`s debt.

One day while Gandhiji was busy studying in his room, suddenly his brother came inside and was looking a bit worried. He came close to Gandhiji and quitely said something in his ear.

His brother was under a debt of twenty-five rupees. He wanted Gandhiji to help him come out of this mess. After much thought, Gandhiji came up with an idea. While his brother was sleeping , he quitely went and stole a bit of gold from his armlet. The very next day the debt was cleared by selling off the gold.

Gandhiji was not at peace after this incident and soon he wrote a letter to his father to confess his misdeed.

Hope this helps.

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