why did gandi continue his stay in champaran ever after indigo share cropping disappeared? 5
Gandhiji never contented himself with large political and economics solution. He saw the culture and the social backwardness in the villages of champaran and wanted to do something about it immediately. So he continued his stay in champaran even after indigo share cropping disappeared.
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Gandhiji never contented himself with large political and economic solutions. He saw the cultural and social backwardness in the villages of Champaran and wanted to do something about it immediately. So he continued his stay in Champaran even after indigo sharecropping disappeared. He appealed to two young men, who were teachers and their wives to engage volunteers for improving conditions of health and hygiene. Since the health conditions were miserable in Champaran, Gandhiji got a doctor to volunteer his services for six months. He noticed the filthy state of women’s clothes and asked his wife, Kasturba to talk to them about it. During his long stay in Champaran Gandhiji also kept a long distance watch on the ashram. In everything Gandhiji did, he tried to mould a new free India that could stand on its own feet.