English, asked by smi0ttakambawa, 1 year ago

Why did Helen fight ' tooth and nail' to have her way? Quote an example to prove this point.


Answered by upenderjoshi28
Before the advent of Miss Sullivan into Helen's life, the latter was obdurately naughty. Nobody could stop her from the naughtiness she set her mind upon. Once, Helen and Martha were seated on the veranda steps one hot July afternoon. They were playing cutting paper dolls. Soon they got tired, and started cutting everything they found around them; Helen's attention caught Martha's corkscrew hair, Helen took her hair in her hands, and in spite of objections from Martha, she cut her hair. Helen's hair was going to be cut by Martha, but soon her mother saved her. Similarly on another occasion, after Miss Sullivan's arrival, Helen had a difference of opinion regarding 'water' and 'mug.' Helen considered 'water' was actually 'mug.' She held her point of view stubbornly and in anger broke the gifted doll. These two instances prove that she fought tooth and nail to have her way.   
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