why did king not approve of the name suggest it's friend for the a teacher ofthe cub option. they have all intellect but no have streght to lach wishdom teacher for the cub
Will the development of artificial intelligence, e-learning, Internet of Things and other information technologies increase the scope of automation and standardization of didactic processes, which could result in the replacement of a teacher by robots?
Unfortunately, there is a danger that due to the development of artificial intelligence, e-learning, learning machines, the Internet of Things, etc. technology can replace the teacher in the future. However, this will not happen in the next few years, but this scenario can not be excluded in the perspective of several decades. In addition, the work of the teacher is a creative work, a social education, etc. Currently, it is assumed that artificial intelligence will not be able to fully replace a human teacher, because it is now assumed that you can not teach artistry machine, social sensitivity, emotional intelligence, empathy, etc.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, the following question is valid:
Will the development of artificial intelligence, e-learning, Internet of Things and other information technologies increase the scope of automation and standardization of didactic processes, which could result in the replacement of a teacher by robots?
The king not approve to the name cheating friend to a teacher Austin club option the teacher was very happy I am the king of the Jungle and my cover is going to the next thing I am proud of him to the education of my king and please request to a good teacher for her own.
One day the focus is very hungry the FIFA street 2 hour delay in replying no way I feel very cunning and he always lies he cannot teach the sun.
He appointed the wise.
...Helps u dear...