Why did Mahatma Gandhi decide to launch the Civil Disobedience movement ? What steps did he take to launch the Civil Disobedience movement ?
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On the historic day of 12th March 1930, Gandhi inaugurated The Civil Disobedience Movement by conducting the historic Dandi Salt March, where he broke the Salt Laws imposed by the British Government.
He launched Individual civil disobedience on August 1, 1933. Civil Disobedience movement continued till April 1934 when gandhi formally withdrawn it.
It began with the famous Dandi March of Gandhi. On 12 March 1930, Gandhi left the Sabarmati Ashram at Ahmadabad on foot with 78 other members of the Ashram for Dandi, a village on the western sea-coast of India, at a distance of about 385 km from Ahmadabad. They reached Dandi on 6 April 1930.
The programme of the Civil Disobedience Movement included: Defiance of Salt Laws passed by the British government, Boycott of liquor, Boycott of foreign cloth and all varieties of British products.