why did none of the characters in the poem ,The cold within share their wood?What role did prejudice,discrimination,racism and envy play in the poem
In the poem, the first man did not share his log of wood because he noticed a black face and he proved to be a racist. The second decided to not share his log because he saw that one of the other five people was not of his church, that is, he wasn't of the same religion as him. The third man was rich. And he didn't give up his log of wood because his mind was occupies in thoughts of how he could keep his money away from the lazy and shiftless poor. The poor man on the other hand believed that his log of wood should not be used to warm the idle rich man, and thus he did not give up his log. The fifth man, the black, thus decided to take revenge by not giving up his log of wood. The last man, though had no envy or no hate, he was one of those people who gave back to only those who gave.
In this poem, prejudice, discrimination, racism, envy and greed is described as "The Cold Within". As mentioned later, the six people die of the cold within, that is the coldness which was there within their hearts for each other. Prejudice, discrimination, racism, envy and greed thereby caused brought them naught but death.