Why did not cooperation movement gradually slow down in cities?
The Non-Cooperation Movement gradually slow down in the cities because: i.) Khadi clothes were more expensive than mill clothes. ii.) Poor people could not afford to buy it. iii.) The boycott of British institutions posed a problem. iv.) Students and teachers began trickling back to government schools. v.) Lawyers joined back work in government courts.
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The Non-Cooperation Movement slowed down in the cities for various reasons :-
➡Khadi cloth was often more expensive than mass-produced mill cloth and poor people could not afford to buy it. So people could not boycott mill cloth for very long.
➡Similarly boycotting British institutions also posed a problem as there were no alternative national institutions to fulfil the educational needs.
➡The students and teachers trickled to government schools. The lawyers joined government courts. With all these, the enthusiasm of people in the cities lost its force.