Why did Raghu keep saying, “It was supposed to be English."?
English Class IV
2 | P a g e
Ans. Raghu kept saying, “It was supposed to be English” because Raghu
was prepared for the English exam. He had checked the date-sheet as
well. He was confused and unsure about what to do.
Q5. How do you think Raghu must have felt on realizing that he had
been dreaming?
Ans. Raghu must have felt relieved on realising that he had been
dreaming. In his dream he was panicked as he was supposed to give an
exam that he wasn’t prepared for. Raghu must have been pleased and
happy that it was only a dream.
Q6. What would you do if you faced a similar situation? Would you
keep calm and do your best or feel too shocked to do anything?
Ans. If I faced a similar situation, I would have been as shocked as
Raghu was. I would also have felt confused and uncertain. However, I
would have tried to attempt the questions.
Q7. Do you think exams and tests are stressful? Can you think of other
ways to test your knowledge?
Ans. Yes, I think exams and tests are stressful. Another way to test one’s
knowledge could be practical tests. Practical tests could be helpful to test
what one understood rather than what one memorized.
Q8. Discuss and write down two advantages and two disadvantages of
Ans. Two advantages of exams are-
a. Exams provide us feedback. Our performance in an exam tells us if
we understand a topic. It may also show other problems for
example, sometimes we understand a topic but we do not know
how to write it properly or make spelling mistakes etc. So, the
feedback can help us improve.
b. Exams can help teachers to judge a student’s level of
understanding. The teachers can then adjust their lessons if