Why did such a large number of international leaders attend the inauguration ? What did it signify the triumph of?
To be the part of the inauguration, international leaders showed a gesture of solidarity from international community to the idea of end of apartheid. It was the significance of the victory of good over evil and triumph of a tolerant society without any discrimination.
Micas (/ˈmaɪ.kəz/ MY-kəz) are a group of minerals whose outstanding physical characteristic is that individual mica crystals can easily be split into extremely thin elastic plates. This characteristic is described as perfect basal cleavage. Mica is common in igneous and metamorphic rock and is occasionally found as small flakes in sedimentary rock.[5] It is particularly prominent in many granites, pegmatites, and schists,[6] and "books" (large individual crystals) of mica several feet across have been found in some pegmatites.[7]