why did the British projected the Hindu and Muslim periods as the dark ages?
Although Hinduism is the religion of most of the Indians; the Muslim period did ... the British projected the so called Hindu and Muslim periods as the dark ages.
Although Hinduism is the religion of most of the Indians; the Muslim period did not begin one fine day. Muslims had been living in India from much earlier than beginning of the Islamic rule in India. Even during the peak of the Mughal Empire, there were many territories which were ruled by Hindu kings. Moreover, the British projected the so called Hindu and Muslim periods as the dark ages. They thought that the British rule would take India towards enlightenment. This was also a wrong notion.
Periodisation by Other Historians:
Some other historians divided the Indian history into three periods, viz. ancient, medieval and modern. This periodisation also had its shortcomings. Compared to the modern period, the medieval and ancient periods were projected as the dark ages which were devoid of scientific knowledge. On the contrary, there had been various scientific advances during the ancient and medieval periods.
Administrative Records
Official records of the British administration serve as important source of history of this period. The British rulers believed that every instruction, plan, policy, decision, agreement, investigation should be clearly written up. This was necessary for proper study and debate about an issue. They carefully preserved all official records and created several archives for the purpose.
While these records provide valuable information, we need to be careful while interpreting them. We should keep in mind that those records were written from the perspective of the British officers. They may have overlooked certain issues or may have modified
Some South Asian Muslims have been noted for their social stratification according to the Quoms. [139] These Muslims consider a ritual-based system of social stratification. The Kuomes, which accords with human emissions, are given the lowest level. Studies of Bengali Muslims in India indicate that the concepts of purity and impurity exist between them and apply in inter-group relationships, since the idea of cleanliness and cleanliness in an individual depends on the social status of the individual , Not on its economic status. [130] Muslim Rajput is also a caste among Indian Muslims.
Some of the backward or lower caste Muslim communities include Ansari, Kunjar, Churihara, Dhobi, Chamar and Halalkhor. High and middle caste Muslim communities include Syed, Shaikh, Shaikhzada, Rajput, Khanzada, Pathan, Kaymkhani, Mughal, Chauhan and Malik. [140] Genetic data also supports this stratification. [141] This should be borne in mind. That most of the claims for Arabic ancestry in India are flawed and point to Arabic preferences in local Sharia. The most interesting thing is that in three genetic studies that represent South Asian Muslims, it was found that the Muslim population is growing tremendously, including some non-identified foreign populations in local non-Muslims, mainly Arabians. Instead of Peninsula, they are from Iran and Central Asia, and even today a large number of Hindu religions continue to convert to Islam. [21]
The Sachar Committee report is recognized by the Government of India and was released in 2006, Muslim documents in social stratification continue.