English, asked by naveengarwad0, 8 months ago

why did the criminal finally get a pension in Too Dear ? how did this benefit him ?​


Answered by wakiyabegum


The king’s authorities could not get the criminal executed as per the king’s orders because there was neither a guillotine for cutting heads off nor an executioner in their kingdom. Then, they tried hiring a guillotine and an executioner from their neighbouring countries. When they realized that it would cost them a large sum of money which had to be recovered from the people through additional taxation, they decided to ask a soldier to cut off the criminal’s head. But, when they failed to find a soldier who would be ready to cut off the criminal’s head, they altered the death sentence to one of imprisonment for life.

However, when they found that the cost of maintaining a prisoner in prison with a guard on duty cost the king dearly, they dismissed the guard and asked the criminal to run away. But, when the criminal told them that he had nowhere to go and no work to do, they offered him a pension of 600 francs and sent him away. The criminal received one-third of his annuity in advance and emigrated to another country just across the frontier. There he bought a bit of land and started market-gardening. He visited the gaming tables and staked two or three francs, sometimes winning and sometimes losing. He lived comfortably and peaceably like the others.



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