English, asked by bhushansomkuwar9663, 1 month ago

why did the hunting party beat the ground in front of them​


Answered by Anonymous


The hunting party beat the ground because if there remains any wolf in the ant-hill then they will come out by hearing the beating sound.

Answered by Sidra00


The hunting party beat the ground because if there remains any wolf in the ant-hill then they will come out by hearing the beating sound.


One of the men licked his lips because he was nervous and his lips were dry with fright.

b. The author says that demons lived

in the ant-hill, which had been long

abandoned by ants, and was now a

hollow shell like a cave. Inside it lived

some wolves, and two other creatures,

half-human, half-animal, fearsome in

appearance. Everyone in the village of

Godamuri knew about them, several

people had actually seen them and to

their superstitious minds, they appeared

no less than demons.

c. i. The platform had been built during the heat of the day.

ii. Now in the gathering twilight…

iii. The forest was bathed in a deep red glow from the setting sun.

iv. The first of the large fruit bats flapped past the waiting men.

d. Reverend Singh made notes while

watching the wolf-children, so we know

that he kept a diary of some sort.

e. Reverend Singh knew that the children

had been living with the wolves for a

long time because both ran on all fours

using their hands and feet. From the way

the children moved they were more like

wolf cubs rather than normal children.

f. The villagers refused to help because

being superstitious, they believed that the

creatures living in the ant-hill were evil

spirits and not children who had somehow managed to live among the wolves.

g. The hunting party beat the ground in

front of them to frighten the wolves into

coming out of their lair.

h. Reverend Singh felt bitter and angry with himself because the she-wolf had been killed by the hunting party and he had not been able to protect her. He had just wanted to rescue the two wolf-children, and not harm any of the wolves in the process.

i. Sunset was time for the demons to appear. They had heard their howls and their strange yelping cries.

Suddenly there was a movement in the narrow entrance of the ant-hill.

Then something else emerged. It was a demon, just as the villagers had said, half human and half animal.

The demon was followed by a second monster, much smaller than the first. Both of the creatures had matted hair, which covered their faces, and both walked on all fours.

All the above lines create a sense of

suspense as they talk about demons who

are half human and half animal. The

sounds and the strange yelping cries add

Hope its will help you :)

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