Why did the Kerenskii Government in Russia
The Bolsheviks supported the government in the beginning. However, discontent grew and the Provisional government took strict action to control rising discontent. Factory committees and trade unions were formed along with soldiers ' committees. Leaders of workers were arrested by the government and popular demonstration by Bolsheviks in 1917 was repressed. There were also fears that the government could set up a dictatorship. All these factors led to the unpopularity of the government and contributed towards the October Revolution in 1917.
☆The workers' government spread across the country against the functioning of the kerenuskii government.
☆There were also fears that the government could set up a dictatorship.
☆They began questioning the way industrialists were running their factories.
☆When the kerenuskii government saw the Bolsheviks influence growing, it began taking stern measures against the workers' and arresting their leaders.