English, asked by akhils2oo6, 1 year ago

why did the man not accept the Kings offer class 8th​


Answered by varunmnjnth


The man did not accept the king's offer because power did not attract him.All he wanted was good

will and cheer

Answered by priyarksynergy

the man did not accept the Kings offer for the following reasons;


  • The man didn't require any money. More than being a slave for gold, he loved his independence.
  • The poetry conveys a powerful message. More valuable than power, riches, or beauty is freedom.
  • An employee is reduced to the status of a slave or servant. He accepts payment for his services. As a result, he is compelled to work for his company. Playing with a child guarantees a man's liberty.
  • His first King's offer arrives. The king rewards him with power in exchange for his labor. He, on the other hand, rejects the king's offer.
  • On the beach, he stumbles upon a toddler who is having fun. The child maintains that he will not pay him for his services in any way. Because the speaker is still a free man, he accepts the child's offer.
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