Why did the narrator's mother get exicted ? (the night the ghost got in)
1. Why was the narrator sorry to have paid attention to the footsteps?
The narrator was sorry because his imagination of considering his Grandfather as a ghost
2. Why did Herman and the author slam the doors?
Herman and the author slammed the door because of their fear of the ghost.
3. What woke up the mother?
Slamming of the doors by the narrator and his brother woke up their mother.
4. What do you understand by the mother’s act of throwing the shoe?
Author’s mother did not want to take risk by getting down. At the same time, she wanted the police to come there. So, she threw the shoe at neighbour’s home to seek help.
5. Why do you think Mrs. Bodwell wanted to sell the house?
Mrs. Bodell wanted to sell the house because she was disturbed often.
6. How did the cops manage to enter the locked house?
The cops broke the front door. Thus they manged to enter the locked house.
7. Why were the policeman prevented from entering grandfather's room?
Grandfather mistook the police as General Meade’s men who were retreating. With that thinking, he harmed them. So, the police were prevented.to enter grandfather’s room.
8. Who used the zither and how?
The narrator’s pet Guinea pig used the zither. It used to sleep on it.
9. Mention the things that the grandfather imagined.
Grandfather imagined that the cops were General Meade’s men. He thought that they were beginning to retreat and even desert