why did the Piper blow the flute for the second time what happened then??
Remember the old fairy tale about the Pied Piper who charmed away all the rats in town? When the faithless burghers refused to pay him what they had promised, he exacted his revenge by leading all the town's children away as well.
a mysterious man in “pied clothing” approached the mayor and promised he could rid the city of its problem in return for payment of 1000 guilders. They mayor agreed, and the man played a magical pipe to lure all the city's rats to a nearby body of water, where they drowned.
The accord in fine being made; the pide Piper with a shrill pipe went piping through the streets, and forthwith the rats came all running out of the houses in great numbers after him; all which hee led into the river of Weaser and therein drowned them.