Why did the Quraysh feel they needed to reject the Prophet's message? (4)
The Quraysh family had influential people close to the Prophet through the ties of familial bonds formally reject his teachings. The element of denial by the family communicated in clear and certain terms that even though the Quraysh were of the same blood as the Prophet Muhammad, they did not speak the same message
If Quraysh would follow the teachings of Prophet S.A.W then they were supposed to left the idol worship. Prior to Islam in Arab, people worshipped idols and almost 360 idols were put in Kabatullah e.g. Laat, Manat, Uzza etc.
Laat, Manat, Uzza etc. As teachings of Ibrahim A.S got rejected at first for stopping people from Idol Worship, so did Quraysh with Prophet S.A.W. People would usually reject anyone's proposal when their ego gets hurt.
Similarly Bani Israiel rejected Prophet S.A.W because they were waiting for a prophet to come from their race. However, people of Madina accepted the Prophet S.A.W because they listened about him from the Ahl Kitab, but it was quite strange for them seeing those people rejecting the prophet.