English, asked by tusharchaudhary25198, 9 months ago

Why did the stranger say you can keep it? ​


Answered by Anonymous


One Sunday, I was heading to the gym from a mall. As I was heading to the car, someone pulls up to me and speaks in an Italian accent, “Excuse me, I am lost. Where is the airport?” So I told him the direction and told him to search it on Google Maps. He then proceeded to park in the empty spot next to where I was standing. He asked if I could help with another problem and opened the passenger door. At this point, I was very hesitant to get in. I mean, getting into a car with a stranger just does not sound street smart.

So I stood outside the car and said, “How can I help?” He then told me a pretty long story about how he’s an Italian citizen who works for Armani, and he came here (Toronto, Canada) for a fashion conference. He showed me his passport and his conference papers. He asked if I know about Armani, and I said, “Oh yeah, I know Emporio Armani,” to which he replied, “That’s the lower-end brand. I work for Giorgio Armani, the high-end brand.”

At this point, I’m thinking, “Why is he telling me all this? Any other stranger would probably be like ‘I have stuff to do man, can I get going?’” But I’ve always been the type of person who will try my best to help others in need, so I decided to be patient and hear him out.

He then waves me into the car and says, “don’t worry, I just want to show you some things.” So I reluctantly go in, keeping the door open and my foot on the edge of the car in case. From the back seat, he pulls out all of these jackets, dresses, shirts, etc. With each item of clothing, he asked me if I knew the brand and asked me to guess how much each item was worth. Basically, I did not know these brands because I’m a poor student who does not have the wealth, nor the interest, to know these luxurious brands and how much they’re worth. He tells me how this Ferrari jacket is worth $10,000 and how that whatever dress is worth whatever thousands of dollars. He even told me why these items were legit and not fake, pointing to some tags or embroidery or some other things I didn’t understand. And I’m just thinking, “Oh my god, where is this going to?”

As he continued his story, he explained that he has a return flight to Italy in a few hours, and he doesn’t have the money to return the rental car at the airport because he gambled away all his money at Niagara Falls over the weekend. He doesn’t want to tell his company this because it’s too embarrassing and bad for his reputation. He said he has money back in Italy, but he can’t access it here. He asked me if I could transfer him $2000 and he’ll transfer me back the money as soon as he gets back to Italy. He would also give me all of the clothes that he showed me, worth thousands of dollars, because he doesn’t need them and he really needs to get back to Italy.

At this point, I was thinking, are you serious? First, I’m obviously a poor young guy dressed in gym clothes, not some rich looking adult. Second, how could you be so irresponsible to have gambled away all your money? Third, if you had picked someone else off the streets who maybe dressed nicer and looks like they cared about luxurious clothing, maybe you would have had better luck.

On the other hand, he did show me his passport and conference papers. He did have an Italian accent, and he actually looks like a fashion model. So I was seriously conflicted about whether or not to believe his story. What happened next basically was me explaining that I’m a poor student with no money, and I asked if there’s any other way I could help him. He asked me to ask my family and friends, to which I’m like uh………no sorry. After a while, it seemed like he gave up with

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