English, asked by surajkumarsing8880, 3 months ago

Why did tut body have to undergo a c. t. scan what results did yeled


Answered by asherebyvargeese4104


CT scan was done on Tut to find out the answers to the biggest questions surrounding him—the cause of his death and his age at the time of his death. The CT scan was led by Dr. Hawaas. The scan came up with new clues about his life and death. A grey head took shape which could be tilted in every direction. The neck vertebrae appeared very clearly. It provided precise data for an accurate forensic reconstruction of King Tut. Tut’s body was examined over a computer screen with the help of the CT scan. It showed a grey head, neck vertebrae, a hand, several images of rib cages and a transaction of the skull.


hope it helped you

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