Why digital signals are better than analog?
Analog and digital signals are different types which are mainly used to carry the data from one apparatus to another. Analog signals are continuous wave signals that change with time
Analog and digital signals are different types which are mainly used to carry the data from one apparatus to another. Analog signals are continuous wave signals that change with time period whereas digital is a discrete signal is a nature. The main difference between analog and digital signals is, analog signals are represented with the sine waves whereas digital signals are represented with square waves. Let us discuss some dissimilarity of analog & digital signals. The best example of an analog and digital is electrons because it deals with analog as well as digital signals, input & outputs. In some way, an electronics project mainly interacts by the real analog world whereas digital signals with computers, microprocessors, and logic units. These two kinds of signals are similar to different electronic languages. As some of the other languages can only recognize as well as speak one of the two. This article discusses an overview of both analog as well as digital signals, and comparison between them.