English, asked by bsbdh51, 2 months ago

Why do an eqitable distribution of resources essential?


Answered by Anonymous

Eqiable distribution is required

  • For sustained quality of life
  • For maintaining global peace
  • For existance of all forms of life
  • For saving Earth

Answered by lovingheart

In society, individual person are avail a available resources is more important, so, equitable distribution resources are neccessary.


  • Equitable distribution create a sustainable use of resources.
  • Equitable distribution of resources restrict the more amount of resources in the few people hands.
  • Flow of resources from generation to genertaion enhanced by equitable distribution of resurces.
  • No one can exploited the resources.
  • Every individual (rich or poor and old or young) have the rights to utilize the resources.  
  • In directly or indirectly, equitable distribution of resources is neceessary in society.
  • Equal distribution of resources effectively enhance the individual activities.

To Learn More...

1.Why is an equitable distribution of resources essential in a society? List two forces which are against such distribution


2.Why is equitable distribution of resources essential


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