Why do feel fatigue after a strenuous exercise or after along walk?
We feel fatigue because lots of fats and carbohydrates are burnt which result in taking more amount of ATP in the form of food and energy
During exercise, your body burns whatever energy it has stored leaving you naturally tired. Being tired is your body’s way of telling you to rest so that it can recharge and build-up more energy (interesting to note that you also burn calories after exercise because of this fact).
Now, depending on how long and/or how hard you exercise, as well as the kind of exercises you do (e.g., aerobic vs anaerobic), your body will also produce endorphins in response to the stress you’ve put your body through.
Endorphins are made in the pituitary gland and other parts of the body. They act like the body’s natural narcotic (similar to the effect opiates produce). They cause all kinds of feelings and mood changes, from euphoria to sleepiness. Their biological purpose is to relieve pain (which is why some people feel no pain after serious traumatic injuries), but they are also released in response to physical stress or strong emotions like fear. Many athletes get ‘hooked’ on the endorphin rush (a.k.a., the runner’s high) and look forward to it after a hard workout.