why do fish and frog lay more number of eggs where as cows and human beings usually give birth to only one at a time
It’s all about employing different reproductive strategies.
Different organisms have different priorities when it comes to the means used in propagating their species. In the case of animals like fishes and frogs - animals that have evolved within environments with low survival rates - they mate a single time and produce a high number of offspring, thereby granting them a higher chance of allowing at some of the offspring to not only survive the path to adulthood, but also live long enough to reproduce themselves and propagate their genes.
Frogs and Fish lay more no.of eggs as their eggs do not have a shell for protection. They can be easily damaged by other animals or by water. The eggs have a jelly like substance around them and all the eggs stick to each other to give little protection. To protect their number in the ecosystem they lay more number of eggs at a time. Whereas as humans and cows are viviparous so only one male gamet and female gamet fuse at a time so they give birth to only one at a time.