Why do football shoes have spikes?
To grasp the ground for better footing.
The studs are placed to give a superior grasp (more friction). The reason for this is the practicality, particularly on stormy or rainy days, so you don't slip constantly.
Football is a sport with a considerable measure of change in direction, accordingly the shoes should have the capacity to stop rapidly so you can from that point move toward another direction or position.
There are diverse spike styles also or different types of shoes intended for various kinds of turf. The distinctive styles designed for different types of needs and players.
Solution :-
Football shoes do not have spikes, they have studs on their soles. Studs dig into the ground when a step is taken, making the chances of slipping on the mud/wet ground a lot less.
For every action force there is a simultaneous reaction force that is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. This means that when walking or running, your shoes exert horizontal backwards force on the floor and the floor exerts horizontal forward force on your shoes. Because the football shoes have studs on the soles there is much more friction between the shoes and the floor. This friction allows football players to make sharp turns without falling on the slippery grass surface.