CBSE BOARD XII, asked by Anonymous, 5 months ago

why do girls need more care, affection and love than boys ?​


Answered by srijitasen25


Women may at times have higher levels of oxytocin—sometimes called the “cuddle hormone” or “love hormone” because it is linked to bonding, social connection, and monogamy. Oxytocin is produced during sex for both men and women but is particularly important during childbirth.

Answered by tejasvinisinhaps23

I think it's simple genetics. I'm a guy who likes girls (a lot.) I'm simply not forthcoming with my affection. I return it enthusiastically when I receive it, and lack of affection can be very painful and isolating. But it just doesn't come out naturally.

I've also been described as romantic, a sweetheart, and been stuck on the friend zone plenty of times. So even though I'm a "sensitive" guy more so than an alpha-male, I'm still just not proactively affectionate, even with my wife of 7 years.

I think it's due to my primarily testosterone-driven brain development. Showing affection first is uncomfortably vulnerable. It literally does feel a little like being the first to display submissiveness, like a puppy rolling over. It's all a continuum, but I'm definitely more "not affectionate" than "affectionate" despite my deep seated love for my snuggle-bunny. She's just gotta cuddle me first.

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