Biology, asked by spooperpoop, 1 month ago

Why do guinea birds give eggs with 2 yolks?​


Answered by yashvardhansurvase


double yolk occurs when a hen's body releases more than one egg during her daily ovulation cycle. And, just like humans, it's possible for two — or more — eggs to make their way from the ovary and through the reproductive tract. The overall odds of a hen laying a double yolk are one in 1,000.

Answered by Anonymous


double yolker occurs when two separate egg yolks are released into the hens oviduct too close together and so end up being encased together in the one shell. This can be due to a hormonal change or imbalance that causes the yolk to release too early.

Eggs with a double yolk are more commonly produced by new layers, whose laying cycles are still a little irregular, or those that are nearing the end of their laying lif, whose routine is not as normalized as it once was.

However, double yolks can be hereditary in chickens, with some breeds tending toward them in the same way that twins might run in a human family. You are more likely to find them in breeds that are considered good layers such as Rhode Island Reds, ISA Browns and Plymouth Rocks.

You shouldn’t worry about the regular occurrence of double-yolkers among your chooks- they are not a sign of health issues, nor cause pain for your girls, and they are 100% safe to eat!

Physical appearance

Double yolkers are unidentifiable- you have to wait until you crack an egg to know if you have been graced with the presence of two yolks. However, the egg will generally be larger in size to accommodate twice the yolk and double the goodness!

What do they mean?

There are many different thoughts on what is believed a double yolk means, with most choosing to believe that it will bring good luck!

Some older traditions maintain that it heralds the birth of twins or new life in a family and prosperity, while others believe double yolkers to be a symbol of bad luck, and predict a death in the family- quite the contrast!

We’re choosing to stick with the symbol of good luck, because we don’t believe there to be anything bad about having double the yolk for your morning meal!

Whether you're clucky enough to get a double yolker or just a nice batch of regular eggs, one of the biggest benefits of keeping chickens is having a great supply of fresh eggs. Nothing beats having fresh eggs in the house for delicious meals and baking treats. However, in order to get a frequent, fresh supply of eggs, keepers need to look after the chickens that lay them. There can be multiple issues that are stopping your ladies from laying which is stressful for them and for you!

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