Sociology, asked by suryansh3275, 1 year ago

Why do individuals differ from one
(A) Because of the impact of
· environment
(B) Due to inborn characteristics
(C) Due to interplay between
heredity and environment
(D) Because of genes received from


Answered by AyeshaHussain


Individual differences in mental and physical traits are due to heredity and to environmental factors. But environment has little impact .


It is generally accepted that some of this variation is due to differences in genes. Thats why their personality and social behaviour also differ from pne another.

However, human monozygotic twins who are genetically identical may differ markedly from each other.ndividuals differ, of course, because biological processes are inherently variable

Answered by presentmoment

The individuals differ from one another due to interplay between heredity and environment .

Option C


  • Heredity refers to passing on of traits/characters genetically from their parents to offspring.
  • Heredity means a flow of features from one stage of life to the next stage of life. It is the tendency of every individual to show the inherited characters of its parents. Hereditary details are present in the zygote that evolves into a creature of a certain type only.
  • Due to heredity, an egg laid by a sparrow always hatches into a sparrow. Similarly, tigresses give births to cubs only.

Learn more about Heredity:

Explain the role of heredity and environment in intelligence

What are the units of heredity

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