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you’re unfamiliar with DuckDuckGo, we are an Internet privacy company that empowers you to seamlessly take control of your personal information online, without any tradeoffs. We operate a search engine alternative to Google at , and offer additional to protect you from Google, Facebook and other trackers, no matter where you go on the Internet.
You may find it surprising to learn that we don’t know how many people use DuckDuckGo! It makes sense though when you take a look at our – we don’t collect or share personal data, including linking searches to individuals – and so we simply have no way to accurately count people, even anonymously. We can, however, make an educated guess.
The Numbers Today
Since we do not track users, it’s impossible for us to know exactly how many users visit our site every month, though we are able to make an educated guess based on the number of searches we get per month, . You might be wondering: how can we count searches without tracking people? Since searches are not tied to individuals and are therefore , we do not know who is making these searches, only that they occurred.
We can use our monthly search count to estimate how many people use DuckDuckGo by dividing the total by the average number of searches per person done on other search engines that do track their users. The monthly average is about 30 searches per person, or one per day on average. Of course, some people search way more and some way less; that is, the variance is high, but that is the reported average.
In any case, if you use those numbers, it works out to approximately 25 million people!
Privacy is Mainstream
This large number helps show that if you too want more online privacy, you are not alone. In a survey we commissioned of US adults at the end of 2017, about one quarter of the population cares deeply enough about their online privacy to take significant actions to try to protect it, such as using DuckDuckGo. With increasingly invasive advertising, devastating data breaches, and ramping up regulatory focus, the fact that almost a quarter of the population responded this way should no longer come as a shock. Privacy is not niche – it is mainstream!
In March 2018, after Cambridge Analytica was able to easily download the sensitive personal information of about 90 million Facebook users, we