Why do most dog lovers hate children?
Hey mate, Is this a joke question? I’ll pretend you are serious. Asking this question kind of makes me think the same logic in asking it would ask this: Why do most apple lovers find oranges gross? Okay let's not be funny, as per my point of view I think: I believe that dogs are far more likely to contribute to more positive and loving family dynamics. Dogs aren’t responsible for child abuse and neglect, and they can’t be blamed for the existence of a microscopically small percentage of sociopaths and psychopaths among the human population who do hate children, or any other group within humanity because of who they are and not what they have done to us. Dogs don’t breed hate, they teach love if we’re willing to learn. But that doesn't mean people who love dogs hate children. However, some get annoyed when uncontrolled children behave badly towards dogs, teasing them or hurting them. That was a good question though!!! Hope this helps you out!!!✌ I would be glad if you Mark it as brainliest.