Social Sciences, asked by sjkskilled3966, 11 months ago

Why do people get early in the morning during margazhi what is scientific reason behind it


Answered by Vegota

As per Hindu mythology, the month of Margazhi is said to be the early morning period for those in Deva loka. So will they have a nighttime like us, and will they ever sleep?

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Vamsi Emani

Vamsi Emani, Thinker.

Answered Jul 18, 2014

The sun travels through twelve Zodiac signs in one year. When the Sun travels through Cancer to Capricorn, it is said to take a southward or downward path. This phase of six months is called Dakshinayana. The sun takes a northward or upward path for the other six months starting from the sign of Capricorn till it reaches the sign of Cancer. This is called the Uttarayana. In this way, one human year comprising 12 months is divided into a Dakshinayana and a Uttarayana, six months each. The span of six months in the Uttarayana, make one day of the Devas and the following six months in Dakshinayana make one night of the Devas.

Margasira (Margazhi, in Tamil) is the month that precedes the Uttarayana and hence is considered as the early morning period for the Devas.

The Naraloka, which is the plane of existence for the humans, lies exactly midway between the heavens and the netherworlds. There are seven planes of existence above the earth (Bhoor, Bhuva, Suvar, Mahar, Jana, Tapo and Satya lokas) and seven below (Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Rasaatala, Mahatala, Talaatala and Paatala lokas).

As a general rule, beings with predominant Satwa, reside in the higher worlds. Beings with predominant Tamas, reside in the netherworlds. Humans, in general, are essentially beings predominant with Rajas. Sleep is a Tamasic activity. It is by this nature, due to the excess of Rajas and Tamas, human beings (except yogis and exalted ones) in general cannot entirely do away without sleep. Sleep, which is a Tamasic activity, have little or no relevance to Devas and beings that reside in the higher worlds.

Moreover, the equal division of a day and night exists only on the physical earth. When one moves down to the netherworlds, the night is greater than the day. In the lowest netherworld, i.e the Paatala, there is no day. Sunlight does not reach the Paatala. The Paatala is illuminated only by the light of the jewels that the beings (Sarpas and Nagas) in that world adorn themselves with. Likewise, the proportion of day is greater than the night in the higher worlds. In the higher heavens like Suvarloka and Maharloka, there is no night. These worlds are constantly illumined with mild rays of sun. The higher heavens are constantly illuminated by the Sun. So, it is not right to assume that the Devas (Satwic beings) who reside in these worlds, sleep like humans.

Bro got tired writing this please mark it as the brainiest one

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