Sociology, asked by roybanguramabinty44, 4 months ago

Why do sociologists find it important to differentiate between sex and gender? What can be done to lessen the effects of gender stratification in the workplace? How does gender stratification harm both men and women?


Answered by zukiiiii

1. Differentiating gender from sex allows social scientists to study influences on sexuality without confusing the social and psychological aspects with the biological and genetic aspects. As discussed below, gender is a social construction.

2. a) Have fair and equitable procedures for addressing sexual harassment/discrimination b) Conduct training on promoting an inclusive workplace c) Consider unconscious bias training

3. Traditional gender stereotypes that keep men in the role of breadwinner and systematic discrimination preventing women from equally contributing to their households and participating in the workforce can put additional stress on men, increasing their risk of health issues, according to the study.

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