Why do some people need dialysis machine?explain the principle involved in it?
(i) Plants do not have specific organs to excrete the waste materials which are formed in the Metabolism.
(ii) Plants produce Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Water (H2O) wastes in the process of Respireation. Oxygen is produced in the photosynthesis process and these Exit through Stomata of Leaves and Lenticels of Stem.
(iii) They get rid of excees water by the process of Transpiration and Guttation (the secretion of Water Droplets from the pores of plants).
(iv) The waste products may be stored in Leaves, Bark and fruits.
(v) Some of the plants waste gets stored in the fruits in the form of Solid bodies called Raphides.
Ex: Yam
(vi) Several plants prepare chemiclas and store them in Roots, Leaves, Seeds for protection against Herbivores.
(vii) The plants excrete Carbon Dioxide produced as a Waste during Respiration only at Night time.
(viii) The plants excrete Oxygen as a Wasteonly during the day time.
(ix) The plants get rid of wastes by secreting them in the form of Gums and Resins.
(x) Plants also excrete some wastes substances into the soil around them.