why do synthetic fibres catch fire easily
Synthetic Clothes contain a lot of Hydrogen which is too inflammable. Reason why synthetic fibers catch fire easily: Synthetic fibers like catch fire easily because they are artificial polymer fibers that melt upon heating. They burn, melt and shrink away in the flame.
Synthetic Clothes contain a lot of Hydrogen which is too inflammable
Reason why synthetic fibers catch fire easily:
Synthetic fibers like catch fire easily because they are artificial polymer fibers that melt upon heating. They burn, melt and shrink away in the flame. While burning, synthetic fibers emit acid vinegar-like odor and residues plastic beads.
Different type of synthetic fibers like nylon, acrylic, polyester, acetate, spandex etc melts differently in heat. However, all synthetic fibers can become disastrous if it catches fire because it shrinks and sticks on to the body of the person who is wearing it.
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