Sociology, asked by ipsitasamantaray215, 7 months ago

Why do teenagers of 2020 like villains than heroes

Tell me the answers fellas​


Answered by Anonymous

I think it depends purely on context here. Some villains are more likable than others, and I’ll be targeting those villains with my answer. I don’t think anyone just “likes” a psychopath that goes around and kills everyone in the movie with no backstory involved other than the fact he’s crazy.

I think the way movies and TV shows set up villains nowadays is very interesting. They’ll give the villain a tragic backstory, something that the hero was able to overcome but the villain wasn’t. We see someone flawed, and it’s a direct reflection on us. The hero was wronged, but the hero is so perfect that he overcame it and became stronger, that doesn’t resonate with us. We would much rather see someone take revenge on those who wronged him, or I think the majority of us would anyway.

We start to understand the villain, even empathize with him/her, and that’s when we start liking the villain. He’s more like us, but strong enough to fight back against those who wronged him. One such villain I can think of is Harry Osborn or “The New Goblin” from Spiderman. Spiderman kills his dad, steals his girl, he can’t take life anymore and decides to go to the dark side. I could totally like this guy.

One other type of villain I could imagine liking is a villain with noble intentions. Someone like Ras al Ghul from Batman Begins. Excuse me if I have the plot wrong as it’s been a long time since I watched the movie. From what I can remember, Gotham at the time was in chaos, crime everywhere, and all Ras wanted to do was create a utopia without crime. Now, his methods may have been wrong, but his intentions were noble. He just wanted a peaceful world by eliminating all the crime bosses in Gotham. Let me just say that Gotham never actually improved after Batman saved it.

That’s all I can think of right now. Interesting question, I’ll have to keep my eyes out whenever I start liking a villain.


Answered by sadeepan1234


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