Social Sciences, asked by kcprasun, 3 months ago

why do the windy region have umberella shaped pants


Answered by deepakshi42


Plenty of heat and sunlight are only the things for the plant to get energy. So , a plant that can sustain in desert definately capable to grab as much energy as from climate and grows well with long and thick leaved branches , as a reason of huge growth of branches in all directions, they look to be umbrella shaped

Answered by s1274himendu3564

Nature is a devine boon to human race. The creator gave remedies and medicine to the problems that to be faced by us. Plants and tress are some among them.

We know that every tree has multi purposes, from its staring age untill its end. Generally we can observe many trees have long and thick branches on east side. As the process of photosynthesis leaves of the plants turns towards east for morning sun. Gradually accordingly to the movement of sun all the stems and branches grow as per its (planta) nature.

There are millions of varieties of plants that grows in different climatic and different types of soil either in extreem conditions of cold and heat.

Any plant that grows in a desert , haves stamina to sustain in that weather and soil. Plenty of heat and sunlight are only the things for the plant to get energy. So , a plant that can sustain in desert definately capable to grab as much energy as from climate and grows well with long and thick leaved branches , as a reason of huge growth of branches in all directions, they look to be umbrella shaped. Aswell as they give shade to the desert animals. The lower level stems and leaves are cut and eaten by some desert animals is also a cause for the shape.

But all trees are not in the same shape.



Good morning

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