Biology, asked by raguramarrpdlsw7, 1 year ago

why do we consider chlorophyll as miracle substence​


Answered by Raju2392


To do this it needs the green plant pigment called chlorophyll which gives the leaves of a plant its green color. A pigment is any substance that absorbs light and it is very complex. It makes energy molecule out of sun energy that the plant can then use to form the carbon bonds to make sugar.

Answered by priyanshi776


This miracle substance is found in plants.

Chlorophyll is generally said to be green in color due to the presence of sunlight.

The greener the plant, the more sun has been absorbed.

This explains why leaves lose color in the fall or autumn

This substance can be damaged and lose energy when green plants are cooked

It is therefore best to EAT GREEN PLANTS RAW, JUICED or maybe lightly blanched with hot water


This miracle substance in plants absorbs sunlight

It thenuses this sun energy to make CARBOHYDRATES from carbon dioxide and water.

Humans “lose color” and energy when we fail to eat green plants.

OXYGEN is the waste product of this plant manufacturing activity.

The plant EITHER uses the carbohydrates for energy and growth OR stores it for later use.


Plants receive carbon dioxide from human and animal breathing activity or respiration

Humans absolutely NEED the OXYGEN produced by green plants.


Chloroplasts (or the chlorophyll structures that actually carry out the manufacture of carbohydrates) also contain carotenoids.

Carotenoids range from red to yellow in color and are the major pigments found in flowers and fruits

Therefore flowering and fruit trees also contain cholorophyll

Caretonoids are antioxidants whose functions include protection from cancer

We should also include fruits in the diet.

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