why do we fall cramp in our muscles after heavy exercise? how can we cure it
It can be cured by the following methods:- 1.by massage 2.taking a bath in hot water 3.using spays(that helps to prevent cramps)
★ Why do we feel muscle cramps after heavy exercise ?
Human muscles can respire anaerobically. However, lactic acid is produced during this process and accumulates in the muscles. Because of this , the muscles cannot continue working for long. They get fatigued after sometime causing muscle cramps. Anaerobic respiration, in humans is less efficient than aerobic respiration for releasing energy. This explains explains why human can run faster in a sorted distance than over longer distance. When and athlete stops after a sprint he/she has to breathe faster and deeper, for some time to feel normal once again. This is to take in extra oxygen in order to break down the accumulated lactic acid on top of the normal breakdown of sugar, that is a part of aerobic respiration. This body, thus, page back the oxygen debt built up during the sprint. We can cure muscles cramp by just streching our muscles that results in relax or just needed oxygen quantity.