why do we get muscles cramp after heavy exercise
Cramps ocurrs due to the lactic acid formed due to anaerobic respiration in our muscle cells.
TO RELIEVE IT: Stretch and massage. Stretch the cramped muscle and gently rub it to help it relax. For a calf cramp, put your weight on your cramped leg and bend your knee slightly.
Apply heat or cold. Use a warm towel or heating pad on tense or tight muscles.
because lactic acid accumulates their .
anaerobicanaerobic respiration also happens in our muscles when there is extra demand of energy by the muscles cells.when we do heavy exercise our muscles need more energy .anaerobic respiration happens in the muscle cells to provide extra energy as a result of these lactic acid is released in muscles due to the accumulation of lactic acid we get muscle cramps.
Answer :-
human muscles can respire anaerobically however lactic acid is produced during this process and accumulates in the muscles. because of this the muscles cannot continue working for long. they get fatigued after sometime causing muscle cramps anaerobic respiration in humans is less efficient than aerobic respiration for releasing energy this explains why humans can run faster in a short distance race(sprint) then over long distances when an athlete stops after a sprint he or she has to breathe faster and deeper for some time to feel normal once again this is to take in extra oxygen in order to break down the accumulated lactic acid on top of the normal break down of sugar that is a part of aerobic respiration the body third space that the oxygen debt built up during the sprint.