Political Science, asked by riya557367, 9 months ago

why do we have a system of competition among political in India​


Answered by sirichandana9265


n our country, there are several political parties that stand for the election. The presence of the political party is actually a healthy situation for the nation. It gives people a choice to make a more evolved and effective decision. Moreover, it drives the other political parties to get better than their competitors to win elections and rule the nation. So, this is the basic backdrop of political parties.

Answered by jayajinkya35


What is political competition? What is the primary source and basic cause of political conflict and competion? Why do people "go into politics"? How is political competition normally carried on in a constitutional democracy? What is the primary role of political parties in political competition? What is the primary role of political interest groups in political competition? What is a political elite? What is the difference between political elitism and political pluralism? How do political elites operating within a constitutional democratic society normally compete for political power?

1. Political Competition--A Definition:

Political competion is competition for political power. It is competition for the ability to shape and control the content and direction of public policy--rivalry for the capacity to influence or determine official governmental decisionmaking and action on questions of public policy.

2. Political Conflict and Competition--The Primary Source and Basic Cause.

We have seen that the government of a political society, when making and carrying out official decisions on public policy, authoritatively allocates among the different individuals and groups within the society the benefits and costs of living in that society. The allocation is never equal. Some segments of the society receive more of the benefits, rewards, and advantages which the society has available to distribnute through governmental decisionmaking and action, while other segments of the society are compelled to bear more of the costs and burdens.

This fundamental fact of political life is the primary source of political conflict within a society. It is the basic cause of continuing competition for political authority, of continuing controversy over who is to control the government and officially decide how its formal-legal power is to be used. Moreover, it is the basic cause of continuing competition for political influence--continuing competition among private groups and individuals for the ability to influence, condition, and shape the official decisions of those who hold formal positions in the government and who decide how the formal-legal authority of government is to be used. The government's uneven and unequal allocation of resources and values is the primary source and basic cause of continuing competition for political power--continuing competition for political authority and for political influence.

Since different individuals and groups are differently situated within society and thus have varying and competing interests, there is a very high probability that any decision or action of the government will affect different people differently, helping some and hurting others. Any decision or action taken by the government is likely to be favorable to some segments of the society and detrimental to others, or to have the effect of allocating greater benefits and rewards to some segments than are distributed to others. Hence, there is continuing political conflict within the society, continuing conflict among different segments of the society over who will have more and who will have less of what the government allocates-- ongoing, unending controversy and competition over who in the society will receive more of the benefits, rewards, and advantages allocated by the government and who will bear more of the governmentally imposed burdens and costs.

3. Why People "Go into Politics":

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