Why do we need a standard meridian for indian ?
Answer:We need a standard meridian for India because there is a time lag of about 2 hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh. To avoid confusion of time in different states , India adopted a standard meridian which is 82 degrees 30 E and it passes through Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh.
Meridian of India. It is called as IST.
(i) India is a large country, almost 30 degrees are passing from westernmost state to easternmost state Arunachal Pradesh.
(ii) Due to that, here is a difference of two zones.
(iii) To avoid confusion or chaos for having different timings in different states of India, one standard meridian is taken to have a uniform time for the entire country.
(iv) Therefore, at 82°30'E has been taken as standard meridian of India which is almost passing from centre of India.
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