Social Sciences, asked by isfar26, 7 months ago

why do we need election mention any three demerits of an electoral competition​


Answered by narraharshita123


The demerits of an electoral competition are given below: 

(i) It creates disunity and factionalism in every locality. People often complain of party-politics. 

(ii) Different political parties and leaders often level allegations against one another. Parties and candidates often use dirty tricks to win elections. 

(iii) It is often said that the pressure to win electoral fights does not allow sensible long term policies to be formulated. Some good people may wish to serve the country do not enter this arena. They do not like the idea of being dragged into unhealthy competition.

Answered by ajarishsm


Elections are a democratic way of selecting representatives. ... Elections help voters to choose representatives who will make laws for them, form the government and take major decisions. The voters can choose the party whose policies will guide the government and law making.


Elections and other political processes are pivotal to the quality of a country's governance and can either greatly advance or set back a country's long-term democratic development, as well as USG country, regional, and global foreign policy priorities

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