Why do we need to classify elements?
Classification helps us to understand the properties of the elements and their compounds. ... Based on their position in the periodic table one can predict the properties of the elements and their compounds.
The method of grouping the elements into different classes is known as the periodic classification of elements.
Need for classification: The classification is done based on similarities in properties and the classification gives a systematic study of elements that helps to understand the properties of elements.
Now, we see the advantages of classifying the elements.
- 1.Classification helps us to understand the properties of the elements and their compounds.
- 2.Based on their position in the periodic table one can predict the properties of the elements and their compounds.
- 3.It is easier to study, compare, and differentiate the properties of the elements and compounds from different groups.
Additional Information:
Lavoisier’s classification: In this classification, the elements are classified as metals and nonmetals based on their physical properties like hardness, malleability, and luster.
1.The physical properties such as hardness, malleability, and luster of sodium and lead were found to be common so they are classes together as metal but they are completely different.
2.The major drawback of his classification was he never considered the semi-metal into his classification.