Science, asked by laishrammeachel0, 10 months ago

Why do we need to separate different
components of a misture two excamples​


Answered by 4sushmasingh


ANS 1 : Among different components of mixture there are many substances which are harmful or not useful for us. To remove these harmful or unuseful components we need to separate them. For example: Tea leaves are separated from the liquid with a strainer while preparing tea.


ANS 2 : Winnowing: The process of separating heavier and lighter components of a mixture by wind or by blowing air is called winnowing. This method is used by farmers to separate lighter husk particles from heavier seeds of grain.


ANS 3 : Husk or dirt particles can be separated by winnowing method. It is used to separate the heavier and lighter components of a mixture by wind or by blowing air.


ANS 4 : Sieving is a process by which fine particles are separated from bigger particles by using a sieve. It is used in flour mill or at construction sites. In flour mill, impurities like husks and stones are removed from wheat. Pebbles and stones are removed from sand by sieving.


ANS 5 : It is easy to separate sand and water by filtering the mixture. Salt can be separated from a solution through evaporation. The water can also be recovered as well as the salt if the water vapour is trapped and cooled to condense the water vapour back into a liquid. This process is called distillation.


Answered by lubnarajput


Ans: Among different components of mixture there are many substances which are harmful or not useful for us. To remove these harmful or unuseful components we need to separate them.


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