Why do we often sneeze when dust particles enter our nose
When dust particles enter our noses, most of them get caught in the mucus that lines the inside of our nasal passages. Millions of microscopic hairs called cilia are constantly pushing the mucus, and the dust caught in it, towards the back of your nose where it gets swallowed. However, when we start inhaling large amounts of dust into our noses, the mucus fills up with dust faster than the cilia can get rid of it, causing the dust to build up. When the particles start interfering with the cilia, and touching the mucous membrane surface of our noses, it causes an irritation that we perceive as a big tickle, which then makes us sneeze. Sneezing helps to both dislodge the dust particles, and very rapidly produce new mucus to wash it out, which is why you usually feel a little sniffly after a good sneeze or two.
Because the restoration process is going on