Why do we talk only about human rights and not human responsibilities?
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We always talk more about Human responsibility than we do of Human right and that is what parliament Do when they are in session.
Parliament in session frames various rules and laws to make sure people and institution comply to the standards we are all agree upon and those who act against these rules and laws are duly punished or sent to Jail and that way we enforce Human responsibility.
However Human rights have special significance in modern societies and they are more important than human responsibility in following ways-
declaration of Human rights during French revolution formed bedrock of modern Nation-state where people are sovereign
The idea of political sovereignty based on equality of all people questioned the system of privileges inherited based on birth. i.e they questioned Kings right to rule.
Codified human right puts constraint upon state to act responsibly and not to arbitrarily infringe upon rights of individual.
State being all powerful and Holder of legitimate authority has right to use violence when circumstances demands it.
However we can never trust when would a person in power use the same legitimate force to do acts of illegitimate nature and violate fundamental rights of citizen
and hence people are protected against arbitrary actions of government by giving them fundamental or Human rights.
Modern state is not a police State but it is a welfare state. State has taken upon itself various activities that concern about general welfare of society, these activities include investment in health, education , road infrastructure and so on
now while state has role to Develop society but doing that,State may have to take steps which may not find resonance with all people living there and in reality violate there human right.
For example- Neharu Called Big Dams are temples of Modern India. We may agree with Neharu but people who got displaced by the backwaters of these Dams and lost their livelihood may not agree with his Idea.
so the never ending activities of modern state tend to infringe upon rights of people and Hence people need protection all the time from state itself thats why we see more talk about fundamental/human rights
No state can claim to be Modern state of welfare state without properly safeguarding basic human rights in constitution itself. on the other hand Human responsibility is always at the core of society without it society or be it Nation-state would have never formed in first place.
Parliament in session frames various rules and laws to make sure people and institution comply to the standards we are all agree upon and those who act against these rules and laws are duly punished or sent to Jail and that way we enforce Human responsibility.
However Human rights have special significance in modern societies and they are more important than human responsibility in following ways-
declaration of Human rights during French revolution formed bedrock of modern Nation-state where people are sovereign
The idea of political sovereignty based on equality of all people questioned the system of privileges inherited based on birth. i.e they questioned Kings right to rule.
Codified human right puts constraint upon state to act responsibly and not to arbitrarily infringe upon rights of individual.
State being all powerful and Holder of legitimate authority has right to use violence when circumstances demands it.
However we can never trust when would a person in power use the same legitimate force to do acts of illegitimate nature and violate fundamental rights of citizen
and hence people are protected against arbitrary actions of government by giving them fundamental or Human rights.
Modern state is not a police State but it is a welfare state. State has taken upon itself various activities that concern about general welfare of society, these activities include investment in health, education , road infrastructure and so on
now while state has role to Develop society but doing that,State may have to take steps which may not find resonance with all people living there and in reality violate there human right.
For example- Neharu Called Big Dams are temples of Modern India. We may agree with Neharu but people who got displaced by the backwaters of these Dams and lost their livelihood may not agree with his Idea.
so the never ending activities of modern state tend to infringe upon rights of people and Hence people need protection all the time from state itself thats why we see more talk about fundamental/human rights
No state can claim to be Modern state of welfare state without properly safeguarding basic human rights in constitution itself. on the other hand Human responsibility is always at the core of society without it society or be it Nation-state would have never formed in first place.
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