English, asked by devanshrajput74, 7 months ago

Why do you carry that straw on your head ? who said to whom ?


Answered by shailacharles04


hair means to be insane, eccentric or distracted.

It is often—and erroneously—said that it originated in the notion that patients in mental asylums got straw from the floor caught up in their hair.

But I have discovered that the phrase actually originated in the fact that in 19th-century productions of The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, by the English poet and playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Ophelia appeared with straws in her hair in her ‘mad scene’ (i.e. Act 4, scene 5).

The earliest instances of straws in one’s hair that I have found refer to this fact; the earliest is from Extemporaneous Dramas. Nᴏ. 1., published in Punch, or the London Charivari (London) of January 1842:

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